Lacerations, bite wounds, and other traumas

At Charleston Veterinary Urgent Care, we understand that accidents happen, and even minor lacerations can cause distress for both pets and their owners. Our experienced team is here to provide prompt and compassionate care in these times of need.

a dog sitting on snow

Expert Evaluation and Treatment

When your pet sustains a laceration or bite wound, it’s essential to seek veterinary care promptly to prevent infection and promote healing. Our veterinarians are skilled in assessing and treating a wide range of wounds, ensuring your pet receives the care they need to recover quickly.

Comprehensive Examination

Our veterinarians will carefully examine the wound, checking for signs of infection, damage to underlying tissues, and other potential complications.

Gentle Cleaning and Debridement

To prevent infection and promote healing, our team will gently clean the wound, removing any debris or foreign material that may be present. If necessary, we will also perform debridement to remove damaged or necrotic tissue, ensuring optimal healing of the wound.

Wound Closure

Depending on the size and location of the laceration, our veterinarians may recommend wound closure techniques such as sutures, staples, or tissue adhesives to facilitate proper healing. We prioritize your pet’s comfort and safety throughout the procedure, ensuring minimal discomfort and optimal outcomes.

Post-Treatment Care and Monitoring

After the laceration has been treated, our team will provide you with detailed instructions on caring for your pet at home. This may include information on wound care, medication administration, and signs of complications to watch for. We encourage regular follow-up visits with your primary veterinarian to monitor the healing process and ensure your pet’s continued well-being.


When to Seek Veterinary Care for Pet Lacerations

If your pet sustains a minor laceration, seeking veterinary care promptly is important, even if the wound appears superficial. Lacerations can quickly become infected or lead to complications if left untreated. Signs that your pet may need veterinary attention include:

  • Bleeding that does not stop with gentle pressure
  • Deep or puncture wounds
  • Lacerations near the eyes, ears, or other sensitive areas
  • Signs of pain or distress
  • Redness, swelling, or discharge around the wound

If your pet sustains a minor laceration, don’t wait. Seek veterinary care promptly at Charleston Veterinary Urgent Care in Charleston, SC. Our dedicated team is here to provide the expert evaluation and compassionate care your pet deserves. Contact us today to inquire about services or visit our facility for urgent care services. Your pet’s health and well-being are our top priorities.